About us

"If children grow up not knowing about nature and appreciating it, they will not understand it, and if they don't understand it, they won't protect it, and if they don't protect it, who will?"

- Sir David Attenborough

rewilding children theory

“Of all the world’s creatures, perhaps those in the greatest need of rewilding are our children. The collapse of
children’s engagement with nature has been even faster than the collapse of the natural world. In the turning of one generation, the outdoor life in which many of us were immersed has gone".

George Monbiot

rewilding children with foraging skills

Natural ecosystems represent rugged and dynamic playscapes that challenge cognitive and motor activity in children. Intuitively, children use their environments for physical challenges and play, creative problems to be solved and opportunities to expand their mental capacities and understanding of the structure and function of their natural environment.

Educating children on the correct identification techniques of edible and poisonous hedgerow berries, wild flowers, fungi, plants and trees not only ignites their curiosity and innate inquisitiveness, but also lays the groundwork as a fundamental basis for their creative and imaginative development during childhood. This quality experience can subsequently shape their career choices and aspirations. Some kids may wish to pursue career ambitions in botany, mycology, natural medicine practice, culinary careers, environmental conservationist, forest rangers.. we could keep going! 

By connecting children to nature, we not only provide them with an appreciation of the natural world, but also cultivate a sense of mindfulness and introspection that is often absent in modern society. Through exposure to the natural environment, children develop an understanding of their interconnectedness with the world around them and the importance of preserving its delicate balance. In essence, our mission is to raise future generations with the intent of self sufficiency and arm our children with self survival knowledge.

 “We will be physically, mentally and spiritually impoverished if our children are deprived of contact with the natural world. Contact with nature should not be the preserve of the privileged. It is critical to the personal development of our children.”

Sir David Attenborough, President Emeritus of The Wildlife Trusts.

 The mindful art of foraging with kids

Embarking on the mindful art of foraging with children opens up a world of wonder and connection to the natural environment. It is an opportunity to teach children about the bountiful gifts that nature provides, while fostering mindfulness and an appreciation for our British wildlife. Foraging with children encourages them to engage all their senses as they explore the outdoors. It starts with teaching them to observe and identify the various plants, flowers, and berries that surround them. They learn to discern the edible from the non-edible, developing a keen eye for detail and an understanding of their surroundings.
Mindful foraging also teaches children the importance of sustainability and stewardship. They learn to respect nature's offerings by only taking what they need, leaving enough behind for other creatures and future growth. This practice instils a sense of responsibility and a deep connection to the cycles of nature.
Moreover, foraging with children is a journey of self-discovery. As they gather food from the earth, they learn to trust their instincts and judgment. They become attuned to the seasons and the ever-changing landscape, recognizing the interconnectedness of all living things. The experience ignites their curiosity and appreciation for the intricacies of the natural world.
Through the mindful art of foraging, children not only develop practical skills such as plant identification and safe harvesting techniques, but they also cultivate mindfulness as they immerse themselves in the present moment. Our workshops are designed to nurture children's understanding from a perspective of an Early Years teacher and mother to kids of my own.

they're not just playing in nature, they are:

Learning, creating, sensing, believing, relaxing, exploring, observing, wondering, connecting, discovering, appreciating, understanding, experimenting.


donate to our enchanted forage project 

As part of our commitment to help our community, we offer regular community walks. We do not charge for these events but welcome a small donation to our ongoing commitment to educating the next generation through means of developing certified children's foraging curriculums 

how do we manage risk?

In life, there's always an element of risk. Many people shy away from foraging due to fears of picking the wrong ingredient and potentially poisoning themselves. The mere mention of my foraging adventures often elicits shock and horror from others, but I'm here to challenge that stigma! I like to draw a parallel between foraging risks and the everyday household products we use without a second thought. Just as you educate a child about the dangers of chemicals under the sink, I approach foraging with a similar mindset. 

To ease into the world of foraging, I've developed guides that focus on identifying the most toxic flora and fungi first. By examining a stunning Foxglove together, we can appreciate its beauty before discussing the grave consequences of consuming it. This method taps into the child's understanding, creating a subconscious awareness of danger. Through scavenger hunts for toxic items, children learn to recognize potential hazards.

After addressing the potential risks, we can delve into beginner foraging ingredients like Wild Blackberries, Raspberries, and edible flowers. This exploration leads to creative activities, workshops, and discussions about recipes and uses for these newfound treasures. By incorporating safety measures and educational tools, we can make the foraging experience both exciting and informative for young learners. Let's navigate the wild together and uncover the wonders of nature in a safe and enjoyable way.


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