enchanted education

Rewilding children

Welcome to Enchanted Forage, where nature's bounty becomes a playground for learning and exploration!

Come and experience the ancient magic of foraging wild foods and reconnecting to Nature with our family in the beautiful landscapes of the North West of Cheshire. Explore our upcoming seasonal workshops and educational classes and free monthly community family walks! Scroll down to learn about Enchanted Forage and our rewilding children mission

"The beauty of foraging lies in the connection we forge with the land and the joy of learning about new sources of sustenance"

- Enchanted forage

Explore the wild, nourish your soul

Spark your culinary curiosity with our family wild inspired recipes

hello, i'm amy..

I am a seasoned wild food forager, nature enthusiast, early years educator and a proud Mother of two beautiful cubs! Located in North West Cheshire, UK. 
My love for foraging is rooted in my own wild childhood and has since grown into a loving passion for numerous benefits! I believe everyone should have access to good-quality nutritional foods and when organic prices are soaring, foraging is definitely a considerable and mindful gain for an abundance of reasons.
 Enchanted Forage is a project close to my heart. It consciously interweaves all of my passions for giving children an enchanting education into identifying the 4 F's of foraging (fruits, fungi, flowers + foliage) understanding of ecosystems and how our wildlife depends on it whilst utilising my early years studies. Laying the groundwork for future stewards of the land!

learn how to safely forage

"The best part of foraging food is making that connection to what you're eating. Knowing where it came from, mindful tasting instead of thoughtless consuming. Igniting creativity for culinary crafting and tapping into ancient life skills of cooking and preserving with natures ingredients. It gives a sense of purposefulness to be able to understand the seasonal variety of wild produce and how to mindfully harvest whilst balancing with the ecosystems. You'll never look at a Hedgerow the same way again".

foraging workshops + community walks 2024

Save the dates with our Spring foraging workshops + classes. Join us on our family community walks 

a truly wild childhood

The natural world beautifully captivates young minds with a huge array of scents, colours, sounds, shapes, textures, and creatures, sparking their innate curiosity. Children, being naturally inquisitive and rapid learners, progress from learning about the four seasons and changing leaves to delving into the mysteries of why green leaves transform into shades of orange, the reasons behind winter cold, and the fascinating process of snow formation. A genuine affinity and curiosity for the wonders of the natural world are, indeed, ingrained in our human core. We recognise that the modern-world is depleting the next generation of these important opportunities and developmental foundations that are paramount to a healthy, thriving child. We aim to fuse a strong and lasting connection between children and the natural world through delivering enchanting lessons in Nature utilising the art of story telling, embracing imagination, creativity and activating the 5 senses.

empowering the next generation

 Educating and empowering the next generation is the core heart of Enchanted forage. By involving children and young adults in our community's activities, we create opportunities for hands-on learning, mentorship, and leadership development. These experiences enable them to make informed decisions and carry forward the legacy of mindful sustainability. By equipping them with practical skills, knowledge, and a deep respect for nature, we empower them to become responsible stewards of the environment and advocates for better sustainable living. Read more about our commitment for connecting children to Nature at our The Art of Foraging: Rewilding Children section of the website

explore our wild sections

the art of foraging: rewilding children

Join our movement of rewilding children through the Art of foraging and reconnecting children to Nature 

a peek inside nature's seasonal larder

Discover a range of Nature's seasonal ingredients and learn how to safely identify and forage a variety of wild edibles for family cooking

foraging events + workshops
Save the dates with our upcoming foraging events and workshops. We offer monthly communal foraging walks for free! 
community hub 
Join our community and connect with like-minded individuals, participate in interactive workshops, and gain important life skills to share with the children of our future

"Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events of their lives" - Thomas berry

Contact us